Our Vision
The vision of the Church is to “build a people of prayer, praise and worship”.
In simple terms it means the vision is to raise people that are fully devoted to God, whose lives are founded on the Word and who will show forth God’s faithfulness in all their endeavors. People that are in the center of God’s will, having the nature of God and access to the wisdom and power of God.
Members of the Church will be built up to be influential in the areas of their endeavors using the wisdom and power of God, and not mere intelligence or human wisdom. We are building the Josephs, Daniels and Elijahs of our days.
Our Identity
This is what defines us as a Church and how we add value to people and society:
For The Cornerstone Church Folks:
- An environment of love where they can express their gifts, creativity and calling in God without coercion, but out of freewill.
- Practical tools from the word of God that will help them grow, be fruitful and prosper in what they have been called by God to do
- Partake of the grace, spirit and covenant of the Church
For External People:
The value of the ministry to external people include
- Practical resources from the word of God for the empowerment of the saints.
- Strategic community development activities as lead by the Spirit of God. Particularly in the area of good governance and well being
The ministry is basically funded by freewill donations. This includes offerings, tithes and donations from members and donations from external partners.
We apply the kingdom principles of giving in the Spirit and receiving the harvest of our righteousness. We expect that we will always achieve a budget surplus as we apply this principle. Hence our giving increases geometrically annually.